Lecale Conservation campaigned for many years for the safety and lives of young migrant workers along the coastline from the abuse and exploitation of gang masters. This particular case was in 2010.

In the picture below sixteen young migrant workers had been left on Guns Island in tents whilst they laboured everyday for two weeks collecting winkles and cockles of the coastal rocks.

The safety of the migrant workers was our primary concern here. We witnessed how up to four workers at a time were taken in a flimsy plastic canoe across a dangerous stretch of water at high tide from Guns Island to the with no life jackets. This is not safe given the half Kilometre of choppy water between Guns Island and the mainland – especially when laden down with heavy bags of shell fish. The last thing we wish to see is another tragic loss of life along our coast.

We sent photographs to the Gangmasters Licensing Authority showing them the danger to the young workers. We managed to record the license plate number of the people carrier used to transport the workers which we also submitted to the Gangmasters Licensing Authority. We have also been in contact with the Health and Safety Executive who in turn contacted the Coastguard.

Lecale Conservation continue to seek proper enforcement and regulations on this issue.

Lecale Members Bill Corry and Cadogan Enright watching migrant workers marooned on Guns Island.