David’s Profile


07751 667242

David is Lecale Conservation’s Secretary, and is the designated Child Protection Officer and is registered with VolunteerNow.

David has been resident of Downpatrick since 2001 and joined Lecale Conservation in 2013 following an invitation from a founder member. He has enjoyed the networking and the educational value and knowledge the membership brings and in 2021 was elected as Secretary. He has learnt an enormous amount over the years, sitting on the side-lines of the

David is retired from the hospitality, conference, and travel business. He has always been interested and vocal about the environment and the need to support and establish much better management with improved education and awareness in schools and the community.
He has always been a keen supporter and activist of beach cleans and other public areas and delighted that he can now be more available to support any type of environmental project when needed.

David was a member of the Historical Society and Natural History Society in the Isle of Wight during his many years as a resident there and for a couple of years, acted as joint editor of their local newsletters.David is a registered seed collector with the local seed bank charity ‘True Harvest Seeds’.